
A Yelp clone to leave reviews on real estate properties.

Github: FrontendBackendDeployed demo

  • Uses Ruby on Rails to handle the backend along with JSON web tokens and bCrypt for user authentication.
  • Serializes and handles data through Postgres with PosGis to store user, property and review data.
  • Uses React with React-Map-GL for client side rendering.

App idea generator

A joke app that mashes api together to generate project ideas

GithubDeployed demo

  • Built on Ruby on Rails
  • Uses Nokogiri to scrape the list of APIs


An art-oriented Instagram clone


  • Uses Ruby on Rails as a JSON backend server. Seed content comes from the MET museum API.
  • Frontend is a single page app made in pure javascript.
  • Uses Semantic-UI for CSS styling.

VHS Club

A 90’s inspired movie rental app


  • Uses on Ruby on Rails as a pure MVC app.
  • Pulls seed data from The Movie Database.
  • Uses Bootstrap SASS to style views.